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Bare Skin

CO2 laser treatment is an advanced fractional procedure for skin rejuvenation. The laser creates controlled thermal damage, stimulating collagen production and remodeling the skin, resulting in smoother and more youthful-looking skin.

Skin booster treatment involves injecting hyaluronic acid which is a soft, gel-like substance under the skin, which improves the skin's elasticity, firmness and radiance giving an overall GLOW.

Skin Analysis
Acne Treatment

CO2 laser treatment is an advanced fractional procedure for skin rejuvenation. The laser creates controlled thermal damage, stimulating collagen production and remodelling the skin, resulting in smoother and more youthful-looking skin.

PRP Therapy, commonly known as the 'Vampire Facial' is an effective treatment to repair and rejuvenate the skin, naturally. 

Donating Blood

If you’re fed up with your moles or skin tags and you’d like to have them removed; we can help.  

Fallen out of love with your tattoo? Get rid of it with our laser tattoo removal.

Laser Treatment

Skin booster treatment involves injecting hyaluronic acid which is a soft, gel-like substance under the skin, which improves the skin's elasticity, firmness and radiance giving an overall GLOW.

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